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Safety Saturday: Poison Prevention

Mar 18, 2023

Prepare. Prevent. Protect.

National Poison Prevention Week is observed annually during the third full week in March. The week is dedicated to raising awareness to poison control centers and the national Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222). A poisoning is when someone is exposed to something in the wrong way or the wrong amount. When someone suspects a poisoning, they might rush to an emergency room or call 9-1-1. Others might turn to the internet for answers. But there is a different resource that can help: the Poison Help Hotline. Millions of poisonings happen every year. Alarmingly, someone calls a U.S. poison center about every 15 seconds. But poisoning is preventable. 

As a new mother, I called the Poison Control Center. When my first child was about 8 months old, I suspected

she ingested some rat poison. While exploring outdoors, she, of course, was putting everything in her mouth.

I noticed a blue pellet in her mouth. I traced our route and found some animal control bait that had been laid

out by our pest control provider. After a moment of panic, I called the national hotline number and got immediate

attention and advice. 

Children are curious and put all sorts of things in their mouths. Even if you turn your back for a moment, they can quickly get into things that could hurt them. When seconds count, calling a poison center is faster and more accurate than an internet search. Calls are answered by nurses, pharmacists, and doctors. Astonishingly, according to America’s Poison Centers, callers can be helped in more than 150 languages!

Although many might associate the poison hotline with children who accidentally ingest a substance, the hotline is also fielding calls affecting adults. Shockingly, more than 60% of all poison fatalities occur in adults aged 20 to 49.

Unfortunately, 3,809 poison-related deaths were reported in 2021. Furthermore, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 260 people die from alcohol overdose every day. These numbers serve as an important reminder that while poison exposures and accidents do occur, they can also be prevented with education and awareness.


  1. Store cleaning products, household chemicals, and cosmetics up & away.
  2. Keep potentially harmful substances in their original containers.
  3. Read product labels before each use.
  4. Don't mix cleaning products together.
  5. If you come into contact with harmful substances:
  6. Wash the skin area thoroughly with soap and water.
  7. Thoroughly rinse your eyes for 20 minutes.

On average, 90% of poisonings happen in American homes each year, and more than 70% of people who call Poison Help get the help they need right away, right where they are — saving the cost of a trip to a doctor or hospital. Vogt Engineering encourages you to save the Hotline number (1-800-222-1222) in your phone to easily contact them if you have questions or suspect a poisoning.

23 Jun, 2023
When hate is loud, love should be louder
08 Jun, 2023
The industrial truck manufacturing sector has been an important and active part of the American economy for 100 years. Texas is a state where industrial truck firms have generated one of the highest economic impacts, nearly $2.7 Billion. We can continue to be safe and free from injury by following these tips and by encouraging workers to stay abreast of forklift operator training.
27 May, 2023
As the warmer season revs up, drivers are now more likely to be sharing the road with motorcycles. Motorcycle Awareness Month is observed in May and is a good time to remind drivers to take extra care while sharing the road. Agencies such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the National Safety Council, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) come together to remind vehicle drivers and motorists that safe driving and riding practices plus cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation's highways. Did you know more than half of fatal motorcycle crashes result from collisions with other vehicles? Because of its small size, motorcycles can be easily hidden in a car’s blind spots or masked by objects such as bushes or fences while at an intersection. Furthermore, the combination of congested roadways and distracted driving increase the difficulty of seeing motorcycles in traffic. These factors have led to many preventable fatalities each year. On average, more than one motorcyclist is killed on Texas roads every day . In 2022, 562 motorcycle riders were killed in motor vehicle crashes, an 8% increase over the previous year. And another 2,422 people were seriously injured. TxDOT’s annual safety campaign "Share the Road: Look Twice for Motorcycles" aims to protect motorcyclists by educating drivers on how to safely share the road. Below are a few safety precautions all motorists should keep in mind to help prevent motorcycle crashes: Stay alert. Give driving your full attention. Even a momentary distraction, such as answering a phone call or changing the radio station, can have deadly consequences. Pay special attention at intersections. One-third of all motorcycle fatalities happen at roadway intersections. Take extra care when making a left turn. Always assume motorcycles are closer than they appear and avoid turning in front of an oncoming motorcycle. Look twice when changing lanes. Check mirrors, check blind spots, and always use turn signals. Following these safety tips can help save lives and reduce injuries on our Texas roads.
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